
“Sorrow is an inseparable dimension of our human experience.
We suffer after a loss because we are human. And in our suffering, we are transformed.”
- Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.


Grief, Bereavement & Loss

One of my specialties is grief and bereavement work. I gravitated towards this specialty as a result of my own personal journey with loss.

Grief is a very normal and necessary part of our lives. It is a very personal journey, as we all experience grief in our own way and in our own time frame. You will set the pace to acceptance of your loss. I will be there by your side as you begin to accept, find meaning and integrate your loss into your life. I consider it a great privilege to work with my clients during this time of sadness and vulnerability.

Adults, children, adolescents and families all grieve in different ways. Each member of a family has had a unique relationship with the loss of a loved one. It is my hope that each member of the family or the family together will seek the grief work they need to understand and process their loss.

My work is reflective of Alan Wolfelt Ph.D., Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, John Worden and other known experts in the field. I am also certified in grief counseling by “Our House.”

Above I talked about the loss of a loved one but there are many forms that loss takes that leave us feeling vulnerable, helpless, sad and anxious. The loss of a partner through cognitive decline, a beloved pet, retirement, divorce/break-up, job loss, “empty nest,” loss of friendships, aging, loss of self-esteem, loss of dreams – any type of life transition can be experienced as a loss. Grief counseling is very effective in treating all types of loss.

I offer sessions in my office, or telephone sessions, for those who are unable to leave their homes.